High Academy For Scientific And Human Studies
Department Of Educational And Psychological Sciences
Population Education Concepts ,
Teaching Skills , and Attuides
For Secondary Education Teachers
Abdul- Majeed H. Thamer Alkubaisi
Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of doctor
of Philosphophy in Education
( Geography - Demography / Teaching)
Prof. Dr. Abdul-Wahid Hameed Alkubaisi
Population Education is a vital subject, is a response by the education sector response to the international and Arabic interest on the broad problems and population issues, regarding the research, study, and work.
However, the population education in Iraq has not received that attention, not only in terms of being the effort or activity or action or a renewal of life in terms of education ,nor as a mean of sustainable development.
The problem could be define by the following questions:
- What is the situation of population education in Iraq, in terms of the clarity of the issues of secondary education teachers «as stage of aware educational population»?
- What is the degree of their familiarity with its concepts, teaching skills, and attitudes towards the most important issues?
- What are the relations between the educational and demographic variables in the overall context of development?
Objectives of the research:
The goal of research to provide an definitional extensive article of the population education, and estimate the relative weight of the population content of the curriculum in Iraq, and to identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes of secondary school teachers in this area, and bilateral relations of mutual influence between these variables on the one hand, and between some of the practices in the field of demographic use of contraceptive methods on the other. In order to access a evalution of indicators on the current status of population education, and future prospects in Iraq.
Frontiers of research
Research was Limited on the following:
- Secondary school teachers in day schools for the Anbar province, for the academic year 2008/2009.
- The formal population education.
- Population and development issues and the environment, issues of reproductive and sexual health, gender issues.
- Content analysis of the population according to each class from the ranks of secondary education in a geographical subjects, but the rest of other subjects has been limited on the overall grades for each subject.
Research methodology:
1 -Sample:
The number of members of the sample survey (532), where individuals follow the style of a class-random, which is 7% of the research community.
2 - Research tools:
- The researcher used the questionnaire to measure the achievement of Research discussed in the population education, have been built (4) sub-tools, namely:
• Tool 1:
Contains information on some general characteristics, and some practices related to education population «in the areas of: assessment of the content of population, the use of contraceptive methods for married».
• Tool 2:
Designed to measure knowledge of population education concepts of «in the areas of: basic concepts, sources of knowledge».
• Tool 3:
Designed to measure the interpersonal skills of the teaching population «in the areas of: the design of teaching, the teaching strategy».
• Tool 4:
Designed to measure attitudes towards population issues rationalism «in the areas of: population, development and the environment, reproductive health, sexuality, gender, population education programs».
- The researcher conducted tools to test the logical truth «sincerity of content, the apparent truth» in addition to the sample questionnaire endorsed discrimination clauses. He also held them to test the consistency «return the questionnaire, internal consistency».
3 - Statistical methods:
the arithmetic mean used by researcher, the standard deviation, the weight of the content, the weighted average and weight percentile, Pearson correlation coefficient, the stability of the equation Kronbach, T.test, test. x2 . Statistical program SPSS V10.0 used for these measures
Search results:
1 - The relative weight of the content of geographical books in the overall population at the secondary level of in Iraq more than 10%, while the proportion of other materials in the region of 7%.
2 - The accounting value of the arithmetic mean to the point of the sample to measure the knowledge of the concepts of population education is higher than half the degree of the scale, reaching 53.2 degrees. At the time of the centennial of the superiority of the weight of general concepts to the 50%, has dropped to less than 50% of one third of the concepts of population education in the most privacy. The low half of these sources of knowledge concepts to less than 50% as well. With regard to knowledge of the concepts according to the characteristics of the respondents, there has emerged with statistically significant differences by gender for the female and, as years of service for the benefit of 10 years and less. While no such differences by marital status, according to the teaching of geography.
3 - As the value of the mathematical mean of the degree of the sample to measure the skills of the teaching of population education has reached 59.7 degrees. The skills acquired most of the weight percentage of teaching more than 50%, but that all of the skill to identify educational strategies - learning, and skill to determine the relative weight of the content of the population, declined less than 50 degrees with the utmost importance in the privacy of the population education. There also appeared statistically significant differences with regard to teaching the skills of the population by sex education in favor of females, according to marital status for the benefit of married couples. While by no years of service and by teaching geography.
4 - The attuides of the sample to measure the trends towards «rationalize population education issues» positive, the value of the mathematical mean of the 58.5 grade level, as characterized by its power to ensure the issues of population and development and the environment, and secondly about the issues of reproductive and sexual health, and thirdly some issues of population education programs, The latest being some kind of social issues / gender equality. According to the characteristics of the respondents, there were statistically significant differences by years of service for the benefit of 10 years and less, according to the teaching of school subjects were for the teaching of geography. For this lack of such differences by sex and by marital status.
5 - The skills of the teaching of population education has a relatively higher arithmetic average, followed by attuides towards population education issues, then understand the concepts of population education.
6 - There is statistical significant positive relationship between knowledge of concepts of population education at the secondary school teachers, and skills taught at the 0.01 level of significance was a moderate correlation.
7 - There is significant statistical positive relationship between knowledge of concepts of population education at the secondary school education, and attitudes towards the issues at the 0.01 level of significance associated with a weak force.
8 - There is significant statistical positive relationship between the skills of the teaching population education at the secondary school teachers and attitudes towards the issues at the 0.01 level of significance strongly weakest link.
9 - There are significant statistical differences at the 0.01 level of correlation between the bilateral transactions between the above three variables, including when he will understand the concepts of population education with the skills taught as two variables linked together, they are closely related part of each others by one hand, as well as between them together, and attitudes on the other. This means that simultaneous submission of concepts and improve the skills of the teacher in the field of composition ttitudes.
10 - No statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level of significance between the adequacy of population education for teachers are married, and use of contraceptive methods. These include adequacy: concepts familiarity with, and teaching skills, and attitudes towards the issues. This means that population education is not necessarily linked to the actual use «as an demographic practice» of contraceptive methods, but due to changes in the context of social and economic dynamics related to population and demographic control its undeniable changes.
1 - The relative weight of the content of the population more than 1/10 total content of the geographical material at the secondary level , and within 7% of the other study materials.
2 - There are weaknesses in the knowledge of teachers in secondary education majors the most basic concepts in opulation education, and important sources of knowledge.
3 - The most special skills for the teaching of population education at the secondary school teachers need to develop and interest in and mastery.
4 - The secondary school teachers have positive attitudes towards the rationalization of population issues is « agree» ,and the required development in line with the requirements of change.
5 - The secondary school teachers have relatively teaching skills of the population education is better than the attitudes towards the issues, and better than concepts familiarity.
6 - There is a bilateral relationship between each of: the knowledge of the concepts of population education, teaching skills,and attitudes towards population issues. The simultaneous knowledge of the concepts with the development of teaching skills together in development activities and training of teachers of secondary education is closely related to attitudes , in order to raise the knowledge and skills and emotional adequacy.
7 - The population education programs that could make their way cultural isolation in Iraq to control the quantitative approach in the demographic, and independency of contraceptive use. This emphasizes the rights and improve the quality of life and the deepening of the present and future options.
Recommendations and proposals:
In the light of these results, it was suggested by a series of recommendations addressed to the ministries and relevant institutions, the most prominent programs of population education in the curricula of formal education, especially secondary education, exposing teachers to a variety of types of training to raise adequacy in this field. He also suggested addressing the scientific challenges which faced the question of future research proposal as the existing requirements.